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    Gasoline prices have simultaneously decreased since 3pm on 11/8

    This is the 5th consecutive decrease of gasoline prices recently.

    Data from the Ministry of Industry and Trade shows  gasoline price Average finished products on the Singapore market as of 8/8 decreased by 6 USD/barrel compared to 2/8 to 102.48 USD/barrel for RON 92 gasoline; $106.1/barrel with RON 95. 

    This is the lowest price in 7 months. 

    That’s why, the Inter-Ministry of Industry, Trade and Finance decided to adjust petrol price from 3pm on 11/8 as follows:

    E5 RON 92 gasoline reduced by 904 dong/liter

    RON 95 gasoline reduced by 939 VND / liter

    Diesel oil reduced by 1,000 VND/liter, 

    Petroleum down 1,213 dong/liter

    Mass oil stays the same.

    Giá xăng dầu lại đồng loạt giảm kể từ 15h ngày 11/8 - 1
    Gasoline prices are adjusted down

    Therefore, after adjusting gasoline prices in the market as follows:

    E5RON92 gasoline not higher than 23.725 dong/liter

    Gasoline RON 95 not higher than 24,669 dong/liter.

    Diesel oil is not higher than 22,908 VND/liter.

    kerosene not higher than 23,320 dong/liter

    Mazut oil is not higher than 16,548 VND/kg.

    So, gasoline fell for the 5th session in a row.

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